Enrichment Day Via Zoom

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Enrichment Day Via Zoom

February 10, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join us for our annual Enrichment day on Saturday February 10, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Our Praxis Topic is the “Listening Prayer” and our teacher and facilitator will be Katherine Murray.

Workshop Description: Listening Prayer is a spiritual practice of becoming quiet to listen for
what God is speaking or making known to our hearts. In this offering you are invited into a
sacred pause to connect with God, to explore the ways we hear from God, and be intentional to
listen for what God is making known through facilitated meditations and reflections. This
enrichment day will include centering prayer and group sharing.

8.45 am Zoom Opens – musical prelude as we gather with mics muted
9am – 2pm Enrichment workshop
There will be a 15-minute coffee break and a 45-minute lunch break
2pm – 2.30pm Q&A, closing prayer
2.30 – 3.00pm Zoom room will close

Pre-Register to receive the zoom link – Suggested Donation: $5 – $30. However, all donations
in any amount are welcomed and support the work of COGV. Please make cheques payable to
COGV and mail to Margaret Huggan: 208-3980 Carrigan Court, Burnaby, BC, V3N 4S6
or send in an e-transfer to Margaret mhuggan@telus.net

2024-02-10-Enrichment Day


February 10, 2024
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Via Zoom


Christine Kesans

Download a complete listing of our 2023 events “HERE”

Introduction to Centering Prayer Program
Call or email to enquire/request presentation in your church or in your community

For information on retreats offered in other provinces
Contemplative Outreach Canada provides links to the various Contemplative Outreach regional chapters across Canada.

Also Contemplative Outreach International and Oregon Contemplative Outreach offer rich programs of Centering Prayer, Welcoming Prayer, Lectio Divina and other retreats of varying duration.